Autumn came to my window this morning and knock twice. I wake up and opened the window. There she was fresh and simple, barenaked and shivering from dew. She was radiant and very optimistic. Her eyelashes winked with emotion because she couldn’t wait to tell me about all those little things that made life possible, those little miracles that move the heavy gears of nature. In other circumstances, if someone else told me about it, I probably would never believed it, but she told me only three little secrets that are responsible of these eternal movement that surround us. Rain brings a flow of green promises that travel from primal origin, and only those fields prepared for the harvest will be the recipients of these fragments of eternity. If some fields are not prepared for those gifts, destiny just will pass by. The most valuable secret of all is this: Every harvest, every seed, every flower, needs the hard work of a loving hand.
Then she smiled at me and took my breath, only to left a trail of multicolor leafs and a smell of unawakened joy.
I just stood there in expectation.
Friday, September 02, 2005
7:20 PM - Equinox
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